Is more, better? Finding the balance between nutritional supplements and eye health

Excess lutein supplements linked to formation of crystal deposits in the eyes.

Customizing vitamin D supplements to the individual would ensure benefits are felt

Vitamin D supplements are less effective at raising vitamin D levels in pregnant women if they deliver their babies in the winter, have low levels of vitamin D early in pregnancy or gain more…

Why Is My Urine Bright Yellow? Colors Changes and Causes

Abnormal urine colors have many causes, but what are they and what signs should be looked for? Learn why urine changes and when to seek medical advice.

Mulberry compound aids weight loss by activating brown fat

A compound found in mulberries called rutin has been shown to activate brown fat in mice, leading to increased energy expenditure and fat reduction.

Beef vs. bugs: Which is most nutritious?

As the global population skyrockets and the need to provide more food grows, insects may be the solution. But can they provide the same nutrition as meat?

Diet success: Does brain structure play a role?

If you are having a hard time losing weight and keeping it off, researchers say integrity of connections between certain brain areas may be the culprit.

Statement provides blueprint for healthcare providers to translate nutrition recommendations into practical food choices

Healthcare providers who counsel people about choosing a healthier eating pattern are encouraged to consider personal, ethnic, and cultural preferences and use easy-to-understand language and food…

Treating children’s peanut allergy via skin patch shows promise in trial

Clinical trial of a skin patch to treat peanut allergy concludes treatment is safe and modestly effective, with greatest benefits for younger children.

Study: Toss eggs onto salads to increase Vitamin E absorption

Adding whole eggs to a colorful salad boosts the amount of Vitamin E the body absorbs from the vegetables, according to research from Purdue University.

A new look at vitamin D challenges the current view of its benefits

Research in C. elegans shows the popular supplement engages longevity genes to increase lifespan and prevent the accumulation of toxic proteins linked to many age-related diseases.

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