Mercury In Bay Area Fish A Legacy Of California Mining

Mercury contamination, a worldwide environmental problem, has been called “public enemy No. 1” in California’s San Francisco Bay…

Cardiac Disease Risk Increased By Heart-Targeting Listeria

Certain strains of the food pathogen Listeria are uniquely adapted to infect heart tissues and may put people at a higher risk from serious cardiac disease, according to a new study published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology. Developing new diagnostic tests to identify these potentially fatal strains could protect those most at risk, such as those with heart valve replacements…

Salt, Sugar And Fat Preferred By Preschool Kids

A child’s taste preferences begin at home and most often involve salt, sugar and fat. And, researchers say, young kids learn quickly what brands deliver the goods…

British Government Report Calls For Global Food System Overhaul To Prevent Hunger

A British government report, released on Monday, says the current system aimed at ensuring global food security needs to be “radically redesigned,” the BBC reports.