Study explains why ‘eating for two’ during pregnancy is not necessary

A new study of flies suggests a hormone released in early pregnancy enlarges the gut so it absorbs more energy from food and stimulates the body to store more fat.

Study Shows That The Fetal Brain Is Vulnerable To Moderate Decreases In Maternal Nutrition

Eating less during early pregnancy impaired fetal brain development in a nonhuman primate model, researchers from The University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio report. The researchers found decreased formation of cell-to-cell connections, cell division and amounts of growth factors in the fetuses of mothers fed a reduced diet during the first half of pregnancy…

Dietary Restriction Early In Prenancy Has Negative Impact On Fetal Brain Development

A research team that includes scientists from the Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research (SFBR) reported today that inadequate nutrition during early pregnancy impairs fetal brain development…