Children Eat More Vegetables When Allowed To Choose

A study conducted at the University of Granada has proved that children eat up to 80 percent more vegetables when they are allowed to choose. Researchers have also found that the bitterness of calcium which is noticeably present in vegetables such as spinachs, collard greens cabbage, onions, chard or broccoli can be a factor negatively influencing children’s consumption of vegetables…

Children Eat More Vegetables When Allowed To Choose

A study conducted at the University of Granada has proved that children eat up to 80 percent more vegetables when they are allowed to choose.

Children Eat More Vegetables When Allowed To Choose

A study conducted at the University of Granada has proved that children eat up to 80 percent more vegetables when they are allowed to choose. Researchers have also found that the bitterness of calcium which is noticeably present in vegetables such as spinachs, collard greens cabbage, onions, chard or broccoli can be a factor negatively influencing children’s consumption of vegetables…

Scientific Study Proves That Goat Milk Can Be Considered As Functional Food

Researchers at the University of Granada have found that goat milk has nutritional characteristics beneficial to health. They have determined that goat milk has many nutrients that make it similar to human milk…

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