Four Lifestyle Factors Tied To Longer, Healthier Life

Don’t smoke, eat healthily, exercise regularly, and go easy on the alcohol, and you are likely not only to have fewer chronic health problems, but also to live longer, according to a new study from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that concludes neglecting to follow these four healthy behaviors is responsible for much of the illness and death link…

Eat Your Fruits And Vegetables! Californians Seem To Be Listening

According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services’ Healthy People 2010 objectives, adequate fruit and vegetable consumption is a national public health priority for disease prevention and maintenance of good health…

Squeezing maximum health benefits out of the orange in your stocking

In time for Christmas, nutritionists are squeezing all the healthy compounds out of oranges to find just the right mixture responsible for their age-old health benefits.

Sugary Sports Drinks Mistakenly Associated With Being Healthy

Children who practice healthy lifestyle habits such as eating fruits and vegetables and engaging in physical activity may be negatively impacting their health because they tend to consume large amounts of flavored and sports beverages containing sugar, according to research at The Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth)…

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