How vitamin D protects against type 2 diabetes

A new study suggests that vitamin D deficiency is tied to a five times greater risk of type 2 diabetes compared with levels well above the healthy minimum.

Implications of access to high-quality fruits and vegetables

Researchers have shown how access to high-quality fruits and vegetables – or lack thereof – strongly influences whether healthy foods make it to a person’s breakfast, lunch or dinner plate. 

School meals more nutritious, thanks to revised standards

The Healthy Hungry-Free Kids Act that came into force in 2012 has improved the nutrition of school meals without negatively impacting meal participation rates, new research finds.

Fruit and vegetables aren’t only good for a healthy body; they protect your mind too

Eating a Mediterranean diet or other healthy dietary pattern, comprising of fruit, vegetables, legumes, and nuts and low in processed meats, is associated with preventing the onset of depression, according to research. A large study of 15,093 people suggests depression could be linked with nutrient deficits.

Nutrition researchers develop the healthy beverage index

Researchers at Virginia Tech have developed a new scoring method for assessing beverage intake, the Healthy Beverage Index (HBI).

Healthy fast food advertising for kids goes unnoticed, study shows

In 2009, fast food restaurants agreed to include healthy foods in advertising targeted at children in order to combat the obesity epidemic in the US.

Intervention in first 1000 days vital to fulfilling childhood potential

Safeguarding the healthy development of the next generation is vital for the long term success of the United Nation’s Millennium Development goals. New research in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences highlights the need to integrate global strategies aimed at tackling nutrition and cognitive development within the first thousand days of childhood.

Sesame Street provides lasting heart-healthy lessons for preschoolers

Preschoolers can learn about healthy eating and exercise through Sesame Street.In a study presented on November 18 at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2013, preschoolers in Bogotá, Colombia participating in a structured curriculum that used Sesame Street’s Healthy Habits for Life materials improved their knowledge, attitudes and habits related to a heart-healthy lifestyle.

Daily Omega 3 Fatty Acids In Fish May Ward Off Heart Disease

Most people, whether healthy or having cardiovascular disease (CVD), would benefit from regular consumption of oily fish, concluded speakers at the EuroPRevent 2012 meeting…

A Healthy Teenager Is A Happy Teenager

Teenagers who turn their backs on a healthy lifestyle and turn to drink, cigarettes and junk food are significantly unhappier than their healthier peers.

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