Swap a soda for water to reduce weight gain

Swapping an 8-ounce sugary drink for water reduces calorie intake, obesity prevalence, and benefits overall health, say Virginia Tech researchers.

International researchers say nutrition science must change to meet world food needs

An international team of researchers, including scientists at the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute at Virginia Tech, said nutrition science will have to change drastically to feed an exploding…

Nutrition researchers develop the healthy beverage index

Researchers at Virginia Tech have developed a new scoring method for assessing beverage intake, the Healthy Beverage Index (HBI).

Restaurants lack healthy food options for kids in certain Southern regions

A study from Virginia Tech researchers finds children’s menus at restaurants in the Dan River region of Virginia and North Carolina lack healthy food options, particularly in areas with high black…

Doctors Test Milk Thistle To Counter Amanitin Toxins In The Liver Following 4 Acute Mushroom Poisonings In 2 Weeks

On September 12, 2011, a Springfield, Virginia man arrived at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital (MGUH) in the early stages of liver failure. The man had mistakenly eaten poisonous mushrooms, handpicked from his yard

Diabetes Care, including lifestyle, nutrition & fitness advice to …

Dr. Jeff Henderson talks about a risks compared with diabetes.