Scientists evaluate food safety practices to help support nonprofit food pantries

Researchers from North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have done an in-depth analysis of food safety at nonprofit food pantries that distribute food…

Restaurants lack healthy food options for kids in certain Southern regions

A study from Virginia Tech researchers finds children’s menus at restaurants in the Dan River region of Virginia and North Carolina lack healthy food options, particularly in areas with high black…

Restaurants lack healthy food options for kids in certain Southern regions

A study from Virginia Tech researchers finds children’s menus at restaurants in the Dan River region of Virginia and North Carolina lack healthy food options, particularly in areas with high black…

March 26, 2015 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: ,

Scientists study factors influencing intestinal microbes

Study results from Texas A&M University and University of North Carolina School of Medicine scientists on the effect of diet complexity and estrogen hormone receptors on intestinal microbiota has been published in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology…

Genes Can Sometimes Explain Why Some Kids Are Picky About Food

Parents may plead, cajole or entice their children to try new foods, but some kids just won’t budge.

Consumption Of Sugared Beverages Linked To Higher Caloric Intake Of Food In Children

A new study from the Department of Nutrition, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill reports that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are primarily responsible for higher caloric intakes of children that consume SSBs as compared to children that do not (on a given day). In addition, SSB consumption is also associated with higher intake of unhealthy foods…

Switching To Water, Diet Beverages Can Tip The Scales

Making a simple substitution of water or diet soft drinks for drinks with calories can help people lose 4 to 5 pounds, a new University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill study shows…