Scientists evaluate food safety practices to help support nonprofit food pantries

Researchers from North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have done an in-depth analysis of food safety at nonprofit food pantries that distribute food…

Kids’ movies guilty of mixed messages about eating habits

There is an uncomfortable truth about kids’ movies. For all their shiny cartoon cuteness, catchy tunes and lovable characters, they are sending mixed messages to the very youngsters they seek to entertain, say researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Kid’s Consumption Of Sugared Beverages Linked To Higher Caloric Intake Of Food

New Study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine Reports A new study from the Department of Nutrition, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill reports that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are primarily responsible for higher caloric intakes of children that consume SSBs as compared to children that do not (on a given day)…

Switching To Water, Diet Beverages Can Tip The Scales

Making a simple substitution of water or diet soft drinks for drinks with calories can help people lose 4 to 5 pounds, a new University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill study shows…

Study Helps Clarify Link Between High-Fat Diet And Type 2 Diabetes

New research from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine adds clarity to the connection. The study published on-line April 10th in the journal Nature Immunology finds that saturated fatty acids but not the unsaturated type can activate immune cells to produce an inflammatory protein, called interleukin-1beta…