New AAP report targets lack of adequate food as ongoing health risk to US children

Nation’s pediatricians release policy statement stressing the importance of federal, state and local nutrition programs to help combat the immediate and potentially lifelong impact of food…

Providing Non-Caloric Beverages To Teens Can Help Them Avoid Excessive Weight Gain

A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that adolescents who eliminated sugar-sweetened beverages for one year gained less weight than those who didn’t, shedding light on an effective intervention to help combat adolescent obesity…

Students Coax Yeast Cells To Add Vitamins To Bread

Any way you slice it, bread that contains critical nutrients could help combat severe malnutrition in impoverished regions. That is the goal of a group of Johns Hopkins University undergraduate students who are using synthetic biology to enhance common yeast so that it yields beta carotene, the orange substance that gives carrots their color. When it’s eaten, beta-carotene turns into vitamin A…