17 reasons for always feeling hungry

There are many reasons why a person may always feel hungry, including dietary and lifestyle factors. However, increased or constant hunger can also be a sign of an underlying health condition

What are the risks of being underweight?

A person is considered to be underweight if they have a body mass index (BMI) of under 18.5. Being underweight is associated with a range of health risks including bone, skin, teeth, and fertility problems. Learn more about the symptoms, causes, and treatments for being underweight here, including dietary changes.

What home remedies can stop flatulence?

Although passing gas is a normal bodily function, some people may be concerned that they do so excessively.

Is telogen effluvium reversible?

Telogen effluvium is a form of temporary hair loss that usually happens several months after a person experiences a traumatic event or stress. The hair usually regrows within 6 to 9 months.