Children Involved In The Kitchen More Likely To Make Healthy Food Choices

Getting kids to pass up junk food in favour of healthier fruits and veggies has led to many a mealtime meltdown for parents everywhere. Now, researchers from the University of Alberta offer a simple solution: give them an apron…

Junk Food May Be More Appealing To Tired Brains

A new study that used brain scans of people who had not had enough sleep suggests junk food may be more appealing to tired brains. Scientists found that when normal weight volunteers looked at unhealthy food during a period of sleep restriction, the reward centers in their brains were more active than when they looked at the pictures after having slept regularly…

Link Between Diet, Nutrient Levels And Cognitive Ability, Brain Shrinkage

New research has found that elderly people with higher levels of several vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids in their blood had better performance on mental acuity tests and less of the brain shrinkage typical of Alzheimer’s disease – while “junk food” diets produced just the opposite result…

Choosing Between High-Fat And Healthier Snacks: Warning Labels Better Than A Fat Tax

Warning labels on junk food would be more effective than a “fat” tax for deterring overweight people from making unhealthy purchases, a new University of Alberta study has found…

AMA Supports Ban On Junk Food Advertising, Australia

AMA Vice President, Dr Steve Hambleton, said today that the AMA strongly supports a ban on the broadcast advertising of junk food to children, particularly during children’s television times…

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