Negative food messages make sugary snacks more enticing

Negative messages about unhealthy food can make that food more attractive, whereas positive or balanced messages are more likely to discourage poor choices, researchers say.

Marketing Unhealthy Foods To Children Is "Disastrous"

The marketing of unhealthy food to children has been disastrously effective and is only making childhood obesity even more of a problem, says The World Health Organization (WHO).

Junk Food More Appealing When Sleep-Restricted

The sight of unhealthy food during a period of sleep restriction activated reward centers in the brain that were less active when participants had adequate sleep, according to a new study using brain scans to better understand the link between sleep restriction and obesity. Researchers from St…

Junk Food May Be More Appealing To Tired Brains

A new study that used brain scans of people who had not had enough sleep suggests junk food may be more appealing to tired brains. Scientists found that when normal weight volunteers looked at unhealthy food during a period of sleep restriction, the reward centers in their brains were more active than when they looked at the pictures after having slept regularly…

Potatoes Can Reduce Blood Pressure

Just a couple of servings of potato a day can reduce blood pressure in obese or overweight people with high blood pressure, calling into question the lowly spud’s current reputation as a fattening, unhealthy food, according to new research presented at a conference in Denver, Colorado, USA, on Wednesday…