Spirulina: Could eating these bacteria reduce blood pressure?

Spirulina — a blue-green algae used as a supplement — appears to reduce blood pressure. A recent study pins down the molecular mechanisms involved.

Can a 16-week lifestyle intervention impact blood pressure?

A recent study demonstrates that simply changing diet and increasing exercise can significantly reduce blood pressure in just 16 weeks.

Could magnesium regulate blood pressure?

A new meta-analysis finds that a median dosage of 368 mg of magnesium daily may moderately reduce blood pressure in patients with high blood pressure.

Vegetarian diets associated with lower blood pressure

Eating a vegetarian diet appears to be associated with lower blood pressure, and the diets can also be used to reduce blood pressure. Factors such as diet, body weight, physical activity and alcohol intake play a role in the risk of developing hypertension. Dietary modifications have been shown to be effective for preventing and managing hypertension

Drinking Green Tea With Starchy Food May Help Lower Blood Sugar Spikes

An ingredient in green tea that helps reduce blood sugar spikes in mice may lead to new diet strategies for people, according to Penn State food scientists…

Potatoes Can Reduce Blood Pressure

Just a couple of servings of potato a day can reduce blood pressure in obese or overweight people with high blood pressure, calling into question the lowly spud’s current reputation as a fattening, unhealthy food, according to new research presented at a conference in Denver, Colorado, USA, on Wednesday…