China pays price of western lifestyle with soaring childhood obesity

China is paying the price of adopting a western lifestyle with soaring childhood obesity, shows a 29 year study in nearly 28 000 children and adolescents published today in the European Journal of…

Cooking classes may positively influence children’s food-related preferences and behaviors

Given the rise in childhood obesity and known cultural shifts away from cooking, a review of cooking programs targeting elementary school children was conducted to understand program design and…

Soda tax is ‘the best option’ for reducing childhood obesity

A new study compares the impact three recommended federal policies will have on childhood obesity over 20 years. A 1ยข tax on sugary drinks is the researchers’ preferred option.

Study maps EU school food policies for the first time

As part of the European Commission’s efforts to help reduce childhood obesity, the Commission’s in-house science service, the Joint Research Centre (JRC), has published the first comprehensive…

Marketing Unhealthy Foods To Children Is "Disastrous"

The marketing of unhealthy food to children has been disastrously effective and is only making childhood obesity even more of a problem, says The World Health Organization (WHO).

Guided Self-Help Found To Be Effective In Treating Childhood Obesity

It is known that family-based treatment that combines nutrition and exercise education, along with behavior modification, is a good approach to help children lose weight. But clinic-based weight-control programs for childhood obesity are not accessible to many families, due to issues such as cost or time commitment…

The Fight Against Childhood Obesity Looks To School Food

Childhood Obesity, a peer-reviewed journal from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers, has published a special issue dedicated to the role that schools can and should play in providing and encouraging healthy nutrition and good eating habits to help stem the tide of the obesity epidemic in children and adolescents…

Cooking Should Be Integrated Into School Curriculum To Fight Childhood Obesity

Based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other reports that childhood obesity has tripled over the past 30 years, we recognize the importance of reaching our children early to form good food habits…

Healthy Eating And Physical Activity Among Preschoolers Could Be Promoted By Child-Care Facilities

Eating and physical activity habits for a lifetime can develop at an early age.

Promoting Physical Activity And Healthy Eating Among Children In Child-Care – More Can Be Done

At a young age physical activity and eating habits for a lifetime can develop. As preschool child care usage rises and the commonness of childhood obesity is at an all-time high, the opportunity to positively influence eating and physical activity habits within this setting presents itself…