Television cooking shows overlook safe food handling practices

Many programs miss the opportunity to model proper safety measures, according to a new study published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.

Scientists produce beneficial natural compounds in tomato – industrial scale-up potential

Given the opportunity to drink fifty bottles of wine or eat one tomato, which would you choose?

Promoting Physical Activity And Healthy Eating Among Children In Child-Care – More Can Be Done

At a young age physical activity and eating habits for a lifetime can develop. As preschool child care usage rises and the commonness of childhood obesity is at an all-time high, the opportunity to positively influence eating and physical activity habits within this setting presents itself…

SMi’s Nutraceuticals And Functional Foods, Monday 25th And Tuesday 26th October 2010, Copthorne Tara Hotel, London, UK

Join SMi at their 11th annual Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods conference.