Evidence Provides New Model System For Studying The Complex Interaction Between Diet, Gene Expression, Physiological Response And Human Disease

Sometimes you just can’t resist a tiny piece of chocolate cake. Even the most health-conscious eaters find themselves indulging in junk foods from time to time…

Junk Food Linked To Weight Gain In Schools? Apparently Not

Despite a tripling of obesity rates in US schools over the last forty years, and an increase in junk foods, candy and sugary drinks availability in schools, a new study claims to demonstrate that the two are not linked – put simply, the study researchers say that junk food at school does not appear to be associated with higher obesity and overweight rates…

Watershed Ban Needed On Junk Food Product Placements, Says Heart Charity

Restrictions to new rules allowing product placement in TV programmes do not go far enough to properly protect children from a barrage of junk foods and drinks, says the British Heart Foundation…