Beetroot beneficial for athletes and heart failure patients, research finds

Football teams are claiming it improves their athletic performance, and according to new research from Kansas State University, it also benefits heart failure patients.

Time Spent Sitting Related To Risk Of Chronic Diseases

The more you sit, the higher your risk of chronic diseases. Kansas State University researcher Richard Rosenkranz, assistant professor of human nutrition, examined the associations of sitting time and chronic diseases in middle-aged Australian males in a study that is published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity…

Good News For Meat Lovers, Most Ready-to-Eat Meat Products Contain Very Few Cancerous Compounds

If given the choice between eating a hot dog or enjoying some rotisserie chicken, consider the hot dog. That’s because hot dogs, as well as pepperoni and deli meats, are relatively free of carcinogenic compounds, according to Kansas State University research…

Food Bioterrorism Examined For Dissertation By K-State Doctoral Graduate

According to recent news reports, the next venue for a terror threat may involve the use of bio-agents to contaminate the food supplies of U.S. hotels and restaurants. Dave Olds, a December 2010 doctoral graduate in hotel, restaurant, institution management and dietetics from Kansas State University, conducted his dissertation on food security and bioterrorism…