Rice 101: Nutrition facts and health effects

One of the oldest cereal grains, rice is a staple food in a large part of the world.

Store hours an obstacle to fresh foods in low-income areas

Getting more nutritious meals on the tables of low-income Americans could depend on the hours the stores in their neighborhoods keep.

Cows fed flaxseed produce more nutritious dairy products

Dairy cows that are fed flaxseed produce more nutritious milk, with more omega-3 fatty acids and less saturated fat.

‘Great For You’ Icon Launched By Walmart

After a year of promising a new “front of the pack” label that will help customers distinguish between healthy and unhealthy foods, Walmart, the nation’s largest super-market chain, has followed through with an easy way for shoppers to find healthier, more nutritious options – the ‘Great For You’ icon…

February 8, 2012 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , ,

‘Great For You’ Icon Launched By Walmart

After a year of promising a new “front of the pack” label that will help customers distinguish between healthy and unhealthy foods, Walmart, the nation’s largest super-market chain, has followed through with an easy way for shoppers to find healthier, more nutritious options – the ‘Great For You’ icon…