Study: More than half of college football athletes have inadequate levels of vitamin D – deficiency linked to muscle injuries

More than half of college football athletes participating in the NFL Combine had inadequate levels of Vitamin D, and this left them more susceptible to muscle injuries, according to a study at…

Ancestral diets determine vulnerability to type 2 diabetes

The middle classes from developing countries are more susceptible than western Caucasians to obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in today’s changing environment.

Maple syrup helps antibiotics defeat bacteria

In lab tests, extract of maple syrup made bacteria more susceptible to antibiotics in a number of ways. If it works in humans, it could help cut the use of antibiotics.

Cocaine’s effects on women’s estrus cycles countered by caffeine

Women are more sensitive to the effects of cocaine and more susceptible to cocaine abuse than men.

November 25, 2014 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , , , ,