Safety last? Consumers’ response to food safety risks are altered due to prior commitment and preference

With the globalization of our food supply, food safety issues are a major concern for both public health and for the food industry.

Gustatory Sensors Determine Whether Salty Foods Taste Good Or Bad

As anyone who’s ever mixed up the sugar and salt while baking knows, too much of a good thing can be inedible. What hasn’t been clear, though, is how our tongues and brains can tell when the saltiness of our food has crossed the line from yummy to yucky – or, worse, something dangerous…

Fluorescent Test System To Hunt For Deadly Bacteria

You can’t see them, or smell them or taste them. They can be in our water and in our food, multiplying so rapidly that conventional testing methods for detecting pathogens such as E.coli, Salmonella and Listeria come too late for the tens of thousands of Canadians who suffer the ill effects of these deadly bacteria…