Hip Fracture Risk In Lean Men Reduced By Cartenoids

Speaking at the IOF Regionals Asia-Pacific Osteoporosis Meeting, researchers from the National University of Singapore and the Singapore Ministry of Health, announced a study which links carotenoids to decreased hip fracture risk in elderly, lean Chinese men…

Bone Loss Decreased In Postmenopausal Women With Increased Calcium Intake Following Community-Based Nutrition Education

At the International Osteoporosis Foundation’s Asia-Pacific Osteoporosis Meeting, researchers from the National Institute of Nutrition in Hanoi presented a new research study that showed the benefits of educational intervention in increasing calcium intake and retarding bone loss in postmenopausal women…

Global Vitamin D Maps In Development As Concern Increases Over Widespread Vitamin D Deficiency In Asia

Bone health experts attending the 1st Asia-Pacific Osteoporosis Meeting in Singapore this week have flagged vitamin D deficiency as a major concern in the region, particularly in South Asia where the problem is especially severe and widespread across the entire population. Dr…