Scientists turn white fat into obesity-fighting beige fat

Scientists have shown that berries, grapes and other fruits convert excess white fat into calorie-burning ‘beige’ fat, providing new strategies for the prevention and treatment of obesity. In the study, mice were fed a high fat diet

Adding sugar to a high-fat Western diet could be worse than a high-fat diet alone

A high-fructose, high-fat diet can cause harmful effects to the livers of adult rats, according to new research published in Experimental Physiology, providing new insight into the effects of…

Adding sugar to high-fat Western diet could be worse than high-fat diet alone

A high-fructose, high-fat diet can cause harmful effects to the livers of adult rats, according to new research, providing new insight into the effects of adding fructose to a Western diet high in fat. The study showed that short-term consumption of a Western diet, rich in saturated fats and fructose, is more damaging for healthy liver development than following a high fat diet alone.

Scientists find vast new freshwater sources under the sea

Scientists have discovered huge reserves of freshwater kilometres out to the sea, providing new opportunities to stave off a looming global water crisis.A new study, published in the international scientific journal Nature, reveals that an estimated half a million cubic kilometres of low-salinity water are buried beneath the seabed on continental shelves around the world.