Processed foods highly correlated with obesity epidemic in the US

A review article highlights the correlation between highly processed foods and increased prevalence of obesity in the United States.

Nutritionists Say Willpower No Match For Cheap Food, Big Portions

Ditching the diet for Thanksgiving? Turkey with all the fixings isn’t the only temptation causing would-be dieters to miss their goals, according to a new Cornell University review article that finds powerful environmental cues are subconsciously bending willpower every day…

In The News: AICR Statement On Fruits, Vegetables And Cancer

Many in the media have interpreted a review article appearing today in the British Journal of Cancer to mean that fruits and vegetables are not important for lowering cancer risk. Today the American Institute for Cancer Research released the following statement: Susan Higginbotham, PhD, RD, Director of Research at AICR, said: “Let’s put this new review in context…