Watercress extract could protect smokers against cancer

A new clinical trial reveals that watercress extract is able to detoxify certain carcinogens in smokers, which could potentially shield them from cancer.

Watercress extract could protect smokers against cancer

A new clinical trial reveals that watercress extract is able to detoxify certain carcinogens in smokers, which could potentially shield them from cancer.

Group therapy is an effective and cost-efficient way to promote cardiovascular health

A health-care intervention based on group-therapy achieves an overall improvement in cardiovascular risk factors.

Vitamin E Boosts Health Benefits Of Smoking Cessation

Taking a specific form of a vitamin E supplement can accelerate the health benefits that occur when people quit smoking, new research suggests. In the small study, improvement in blood vessel function associated with the added vitamin E potentially translates into an estimated 19 percent greater drop in future risk for cardiovascular disease…

Smokers’ Lung Function May Be Protected By Vitamin D Intake

Boston researchers have discovered that vitamin D may protect against the effects of smoking on lung cancer function. The study, published in advance of the print version of the American Thoracic Society’s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.Vitamin D is linked to worse lung function and over time, in a more rapid decline in lung function…

Fearing Stigmatizing The Patient – Doctors Will Cite Alcohol As Cause Of Death, But Not Smoking.

Not wanting to stigmatize the deceased, UK doctors are not in general citing smoking as a cause of death on death certificates, although they will cite alcohol in cases where alcohol is a clear cause…