High Isoflavone-Rich Soy Diet Lowers Invasive Breast Cancer Risk Significantly

Premenopausal women whose diet is high in isoflavone-rich soy products have a 30% lower risk of developing an invasive breast tumor compared to those with a very low intake, scientists from Roswell Park Cancer Institute explained at the 9th Annual American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research Conference…

High Isoflavone-Rich Soy Diet Lowers Invasive Breast Cancer Risk Significantly

Premenopausal women whose diet is high in isoflavone-rich soy products have a 30% lower risk of developing an invasive breast tumor compared to those with a very low intake, scientists from Roswell Park Cancer Institute explained at the 9th Annual American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research Conference…