25 Of The Best Diets Are Rated

It seems as though every month there is another dieting fad, that promises to melt away the pounds over night and keep you trim. The fashions come and go, rotating from the unknown, into flavor of the month, and often over to controversy and even disgrace.

Overall Fatness, Not Just BMI, Weight, for Measuring Obesity?

A new JAMA study published online on Wednesday suggests that when people consistently eat more calories than their bodies can burn each day, it appears they gain body fat and lose lean muscle if their diet is low in protein…

Link Between Diet, Nutrient Levels And Cognitive Ability, Brain Shrinkage

New research has found that elderly people with higher levels of several vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids in their blood had better performance on mental acuity tests and less of the brain shrinkage typical of Alzheimer’s disease – while “junk food” diets produced just the opposite result…