US adults do not consume enough protein, study warns

New research examines the protein intake, overall diet, and physical functioning of adults over the age of 51 living in the United States.

Worldwide obesity: Meat protein has as much effect as sugar

Global obesity affects more than 600 million adults over the age of 18 years.

Eradicating B12 deficiency for the elderly is as simple as screening for it

Study calls for B12 deficiency screening at time of admission to long-term care facilities for adults over 65 as a measure to prevent associated health issues.

Increasing calcium intake ‘does not improve bone health of seniors’

Increasing calcium intake to current recommendations does not improve bone density or reduce the risk of fractures among adults over the age of 50, two new studies find.

Number Of Daily Meals And Snacks Contributes Most To Increase In Kilocalories Consumed By US Adults

The energy density of food and drink, portion size, and the number of meals and snacks per day have all been linked to increases in the average daily total energy intake of US adults over the past 30 years, but increases in the number of eating occasions and in portion size have accounted for most of this increase: energy density of food consumed may have actually slightly decreased…