Eating less may not the best way to lose weight, study shows

A new trial explores the effect of varying the portion size of food and making healthful, low-calorie choices on women who are trying to lose weight.

Serving Size Is What Drives How Much We Eat More Than Anything Else

Large servings make us eat more, even when we are are taught about the impact of portion size on consumption, according to investigators from the University of New South Wales, Australia. People who learned how to engage in mindful – instead of mindless – eating still ate much more food than those given smaller servings with no orientation regarding mindful eating…

Number Of Daily Meals And Snacks Contributes Most To Increase In Kilocalories Consumed By US Adults

The energy density of food and drink, portion size, and the number of meals and snacks per day have all been linked to increases in the average daily total energy intake of US adults over the past 30 years, but increases in the number of eating occasions and in portion size have accounted for most of this increase: energy density of food consumed may have actually slightly decreased…