What does a high MCHC mean?

MCHC levels are measured during a complete blood test to identify the amount of hemoglobin in a single blood cell. High levels of MCHC can indicate a range of conditions, such as liver disease and hemolytic anemia.

What are the effects of low albumin?

Albumin is the main protein in blood plasma and low levels can cause hypoalbuminemia. Here we look at the symptoms, the role of diet, and the outlook.

What is hyperphosphatemia?

Learn all about hyperphosphatemia, when levels of phosphate in the blood are too high.

What you need to know about hypoproteinemia

A look at hypoproteinemia, a condition resulting in low levels of protein in the blood. Included is detail on diagnosis and choosing proteins.

What is anisocytosis?

Learn all about anisocytosis, a condition that often occurs alongside anemia. We take a look at its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.

Low MCHC in blood tests: Symptoms and causes

Determining the cause of a low MCHC can help a doctor evaluate the cause and severity of anemia. Learn more about MCHC tests in this article.

Fasting before a blood test: What you need to know

For some kinds of blood tests, the patient may be required to fast beforehand. In this article, learn about fasting for blood tests.

Microcytic anemia: Symptoms, types, and treatment

What is microcytic anemia and what are the symptoms of microcytic anemia? Learn about the causes, treatment and how to prevent anemia in babies.

Iron infusion: Uses, benefits, and what to expect

Who needs an iron infusion and what should be expected during an iron infusion? What happens after the infusion, and what are the benefits and risks?

MCH levels in blood tests: What do they mean?

What is MCH and what is a CBC blood test? Learn about the causes of low and high MCH levels, treatments for an MCH level imbalance, and outlook.

July 1, 2017 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , , , , ,

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