How can estrogen help control type 2 diabetes?

New findings on the role of estrogen in diabetes may have a profound effect on how we understand the condition and dietary changes that may control it.

Sepsis: Western diet may increase severity

Sepsis can be fatal, but we still do not understand why it affects some people more severely than others. A new study investigates the role of diet.

What are the effects of low albumin?

Albumin is the main protein in blood plasma and low levels can cause hypoalbuminemia. Here we look at the symptoms, the role of diet, and the outlook.

How dietary fat helps prostate cancer to spread

Scientists unravel the link between genetics and dietary fat and the role they play in the progression and spread of prostate cancer.

All you need to know about fat-soluble vitamins

Learn all about the four types of fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and K. We look at dietary sources of each and their role within the body.

Diet, cholesterol and lipoproteins explained in human terms

Understanding cholesterol, lipoproteins, and the role diet has to play can be confusing. In this article we look at the science behind cholesterol and diet

Leading nutrition experts speak up about malnutrition

As we better understand the role food plays in our overall health and wellbeing, the closer the connection becomes between nutrition and medicine.

Survey reinforces further understanding of dietary deficiencies and optimum nutrition needed

Data from a three-country survey seeking to understand beliefs of adults on the role of diet for optimal health, as well as consumption of key micronutrients including Omega-3 and Vitamin D, will…

Coca-Cola and the problem with industry-funded research

In light of the news that Coca-Cola is funding an organization claiming that lack of exercise is the primary cause of obesity, we investigate the role of industry-funded research.

Gut microbiota, new EU project studies our friends in the shadows

A new project comprising thirty organisations from fifteen countries has started working together to study the microorganisms in our intestines and the role they play in health, well-being, and how…

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