What to eat if you have a C. diff infection

C. diff infections can cause stomach pain, diarrhea, fever, and loss of appetite. Staying hydrated, letting the stomach rest, and eating foods that do not aggravate the colon are all essential steps to recovery

Foods you can eat after a colonoscopy

After having a colonoscopy, a person’s digestive system will require some time to recover. For a couple of days after the procedure, people will need to eat foods that are easy to digest.

What is collagenous colitis?

Collagenous colitis is a type of IBD where a thick band of collagen develops under the lining of the colon. Learn about the treatment, including diet.

Bowel Disease Model Reveals Low-Calorie Diet Linked To Higher Death Rate

In a surprising result, Michigan State University researchers looking at the effects of diet on bowel disease found that mice on a calorie-restricted diet were more likely to die after being infected with an inflammation-causing bacterial pathogen in the colon…

Latitude Variation In Incidence Of Chronic Digestive Diseases Confirmed By US Research

Investigators explore potential role of UV light exposure and vitamin D in Crohn’s therapy New research points to a potential role for UV light exposure and vitamin D levels in chronic digestive conditions; Crohn’s disease, a serious inflammatory condition in the small intestine; and ulcerative colitis (UC), which similarly affects the colon…

Ginger Root May Protect From Colon Cancer

A select group of 30 volunteer patients were administered with a Ginger Root Supplement or placebo and after a month showed a promising decrease in many of the inflammation markers in the colon. Inflammation of the colon is an indicator believed to be a precursor to colon cancer