How fruit and vegetable compounds help prevent colorectal cancer

While scientists have known for some time that flavonoids can help fight colorectal cancer, the mechanisms have not been clear. Now, a study has found one.

Foods you can eat after a colonoscopy

After having a colonoscopy, a person’s digestive system will require some time to recover. For a couple of days after the procedure, people will need to eat foods that are easy to digest.

Social influence can prompt healthier eating choices

Researchers have found that exposure to social-based messages promoting healthy eating can increase consumption of fruit and vegetables and reduce consumption of high-calorie snacks. It has been known for some time that people adapt their behavior to what they think is socially expected for that situation and food choices are no exception. If we are told that other people in our social group eat lots of fruit and vegetables then we may try to do the same.

Multiple Roles Played By Vitamin A In The Immune System

Although it has been known for some time that vitamin A deficiency is linked with an impaired ability to resist infections, exactly how vitamin A and its metabolites contribute to the immune response is not well understood. Somewhat paradoxically, research has indicated that vitamin A can also act as an immunosuppressive agent…