Insufficient levels of Vitamin D in pregnancy detrimental to child development

Vitamin D deficiency in expectant mothers during pregnancy has a negative effect on the social development and motor skills of pre-school age children, a new study in the British Journal of Nutrition…

Food insecurity can affect your mental health

Food insecurity (FI) affects nearly 795 million people worldwide. Although a complex phenomenon encompassing food availability, affordability, utilization, and even the social norms that define…

Not eating enough in hospital: Risk factors are the same all over the world

Inadequate food intake and malnourishment in sick people is an area of concern for health policy and Public Health and one which impacts upon the social economics of countries with both high and…

Social influence can prompt healthier eating choices

Researchers have found that exposure to social-based messages promoting healthy eating can increase consumption of fruit and vegetables and reduce consumption of high-calorie snacks. It has been known for some time that people adapt their behavior to what they think is socially expected for that situation and food choices are no exception. If we are told that other people in our social group eat lots of fruit and vegetables then we may try to do the same.

Taxing the dose of calories in sugary drinks could help reduce obesity

A tax on sugary drinks that depends on the number of calories or amount of sugar per liter could help fight obesity, suggests new research published in Social Science & Medicine.

Facebook may play role in marketing junk food to teens, young adults

Facebook and other social media sites may contribute to the marketing of unhealthy foods to teenagers and young adults, according to new research.