Historic US and UK dietary advice on fats "should not have been introduced"

National dietary advice on fat consumption issued to millions of US and UK citizens in 1977 and 1983, to cut coronary heart disease incidence, lacked any solid trial evidence to back it up, and…

Personalized nutrition based on genetic testing

Researchers from the University of Toronto (U of T) report that personalized dietary advice based on a person’s genetic makeup improves eating habits compared to current “one-size-fits-all” dietary…

Doctors’ nutrition advice hits home quickly

Hearing dietary advice twice is enough for patients to get the significant benefits of lower cholesterol, according to a new study.

August 24, 2011 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , , , ,

Dietary Advice Improves Blood Sugar Control For Recently Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Patients

Diabetes type 2 patients who have been recently diagnosed and receive 6.5 hours of extra dietary advice have better sugar control than those with standard care, researchers from the University of Bristol, England, report in The Lancet. The authors wrote that additional dietary advice combined with more physical activity did not provide better results than standard care plus dietary advice