Parkinson: risk of illness is one-third lower in coffee consumers

Coffee consumers seem to be better protected against the risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease than non-coffee drinkers.

Women with gestational diabetes history have poor diets

American women with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus have lower-quality diets compared with mothers who do not have a history of the disease, according to a University of Massachusetts…

New study shows increase in raw milk-associated outbreaks

A study published in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal shows that the average annual number of outbreaks due to drinking raw (unpasteurized) milk…

Daily use of certain supplements can decrease health-care expenditures

Use of specific dietary supplements can have a positive effect on health care costs through avoided hospitalizations related to Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), according to a new article published in…

Traditional Asian diet lowered insulin resistance in Asian Americans

Why are Asian Americans at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes than Caucasian Americans, and prone to develop the disease at lower body weights?

Vitamin D found to increase bowel cancer survival odds

Bowel cancer patients with high levels of vitamin D in their blood are more likely to survive the disease, a study shows.

How online games can help diabetic patients make healthier choices

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease of global relevance. Due to the fear that comes with the long-term bodily degenerative processes, people with the disease often do not actively seek information…

‘A glass of milk a day’ may delay knee osteoarthritis in women

A degenerative disease causing pain and swelling of the knee joints, knee osteoarthritis currently has no cure. But researchers say drinking milk every day has been linked to reduced progression of the disease.

Fructose not responsible for increase in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is the most common chronic liver disease in developed countries, affecting up to 30 per cent of their populations.Since the disease is closely linked to obesity and Type 2 diabetes, there’s a growing debate in the medical community about whether diet plays a role in its development, specifically the consumption of fructose.

Boosting the immune system with vitamin A may help in the fight against tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is a major global problem, affecting 2 billion people worldwide and causing an estimated 2 million deaths annually. Western countries are once again tackling the disease, with recent outbreaks in Los Angeles and London.

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