What are the benefits of intermittent fasting?

Many people try intermittent fasting as a way to lose weight. Research shows that there are benefits to eating during a short window of time during the day, including improvements in heart health and brain health.

Greater social media use tied to higher risk of eating and body image concerns in young adults

Logging on to social media sites frequently throughout the week or spending hours trolling various social feeds during the day is linked to a greater risk of young adults developing eating and body…

Fatty diets lead to daytime sleepiness, poor sleep

University of Adelaide researchers have found that men who consume diets high in fat are more likely to feel sleepy during the day, to report sleep problems at night, and are also more likely to…

Novel research method reveals eating habits

Researchers used a mobile phone application to gather data about people’s eating habits, finding that many eat over a 15-hour period during the day, which may not be healthy.