Why do I wake up hungry?

A person may wake up hungry because they did not eat enough or exercised heavily the day before.

What are the benefits of intermittent fasting?

Many people try intermittent fasting as a way to lose weight. Research shows that there are benefits to eating during a short window of time during the day, including improvements in heart health and brain health.

Eating dinner earlier could reduce cancer risk

A new study concludes that the timing of our final meal of the day may influence our risk of developing prostate or breast cancer.

Is time-restricted eating effective for weight loss?

Time-restricted eating is a diet plan that requires people to limit themselves to only eating during specific hours of the day and then fasting outside of this period.

Diabetics who skip breakfast provoke hazardous blood sugar spikes

Type-2 diabetics who ‘fast’ until noon risk day-long consequences, says Tel Aviv University researcherMore and more Americans on-the-go are skipping the “most important meal of the day,” not…

Does skipping breakfast impact weight loss?

A new study examines whether the first of meal of the day holds the key to effective weight loss, suggesting skipping breakfast is not as problematic as some claim.

European study reinforces importance of eating breakfast for children’s health

The message that ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ is familiar to many of us. And now a European study of Cypriot children has revealed that choosing the right kind of breakfast each morning can have a direct impact on their weight and overall health.

Does Coffee Reduce Appetite?

Millions of us cannot start the day without our coffee. Is that such a bad thing? According to several studies, regular coffee reduces our risk of developing diabetes, mental illness, many cancers, and overall mortality.

Eating A Protein-Rich Breakfast Helps Us To Avoid Unhealthy Snacking In The Evening

Breakfast might be the most important meal of the day, but up to 60 percent of American young people consistently skip it…

Late Lunching Can Slow Weight Loss

A new study suggests if you are trying to lose weight, then you shouldn’t just keep an eye on the calories you consume, but also when you consume them: if lunch is your big meal of the day, then a tendency to eat it later means you will lose weight more slowly and lose less of it, than if you ate it earlier…

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