Students ‘eat more fruits and vegetables’ under new school lunch standards

In 2012, the US Department of Agriculture updated the guidelines on school lunches, recommending that schools should offer healthier meals to students.

Moderate Alcohol Intake Linked To Lower Female Diabetes Risk

Females in middle age who drink alcohol moderately and consume large amounts of refined carbohydrates have a 30% lower chance of developing diabetes type 2, compared to women with similar dietary habits who don’t drink, researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health wrote in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition…

Regular Coffee Reduces Lethal Prostate Cancer Risk

A man who drinks either caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee regularly has a significantly lower chance of developing a more aggressive from of prostate cancer, researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health revealed in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute…

Sugary Drinks Link To Diabetes And Metabolic Syndrome Risk Is Clear And Compelling

People who regularly consume sugary drinks have a significantly greater risk of developing diabetes types 2 or metabolic syndrome, researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health report in an article published in the medical journal Diabetes Care. The authors add that the association is clear and consistent…