‘Gut’ bacteria may help put a kink in family obesity cycle

Obesity is a global epidemic and the evidence is clear: if a mother is obese or gains too much weight during pregnancy chances are the child will be at higher risk of being obese throughout its…

Broad public health interventions essential to tackle childhood obesity

The team from Manchester Urban Collaboration of Health (MUCH), based at the University, say broader public health strategies are needed instead as obesity figures continue to rise.Obesity has now become a global epidemic affecting children, adolescents and adults alike.

Childhood obesity can only be tackled with broad public health interventions

Public health researchers from The University of Manchester have found single dietary interventions are not effective at increasing fruit and vegetable consumption among overweight children and will not halt the global epidemic in childhood obesity.

High Fructose Corn Syrup Fuelling Type 2 Diabetes Epidemic

A new study suggests countries that use large amounts of high fructose corn syrup in their food may be helping to fuel the global epidemic of type 2 diabetes…

How We Can Innovate Our Way Out Of A Double Crisis – Hunger And Obesity

With widespread hunger continuing to haunt developing nations, and obesity fast becoming a global epidemic, any number of efforts on the parts of governments, scientists, non-profit organizations and the business world have taken aim at these twin nutrition-related crises…