MS patients may benefit from vitamin D supplements

Vitamin D supplements may be beneficial for people with multiple sclerosis, say researchers, after finding high doses of the vitamin reduced T cell activity linked to the disease.

Red grape chemical may help prevent bowel cancer, but less is more

Resveratrol, a chemical found in red grapes, is more effective in smaller doses at preventing bowel cancer in mice than high doses, according to new research* published in the journal Science…

Drinking green tea before taking supplements may offer protection from toxicity

As high doses of green tea extract supplements for weight loss become more popular, potential liver toxicity becomes a concern.

Tiny Vitamin In Milk Makes For Mightier Mice

A new study reveals that giving mice high doses of a tiny, newly-found relative of vitamin B3 that is present naturally in milk makes them leaner, faster and stronger and less prone to chronic illnesses like obesity and diabetes, even when fed on a high-fat diet…