Can the antioxidant resveratrol reduce artery stiffness in diabetics?

Resveratrol, a natural compound found in red wine, peanuts, berries and the skin of red grapes, may reduce artery stiffness in some people with Type 2 diabetes, according to an abstract presented at…

Red grape chemical may help prevent bowel cancer, but less is more

Resveratrol, a chemical found in red grapes, is more effective in smaller doses at preventing bowel cancer in mice than high doses, according to new research* published in the journal Science…

Immune function likely enhanced by red grapes, blueberries

In an analysis of 446 compounds for their ability to boost the innate immune system in humans, researchers in the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University discovered just two that stood out from the crowd – the resveratrol found in red grapes and a compound called pterostilbene from blueberries…

A compound in red grapes, including red wine, counteracts exercise benefits in older men

In older men, a natural antioxidant compound found in red grapes and other plants — called resveratrol — blocks many of the cardiovascular benefits of exercise, according to research published today [22 July 2013] in The Journal of Physiology…

Animals Given Resveratrol Experience Reduced Hearing And Cognitive Decline

Resveratrol, a substance found in red grapes and red wine, may have the potential to protect against hearing and cognitive decline, according to a published laboratory study from Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit…

Chemical In Red Wine May Prevent Cancer

A chemical found in red wine is now thought to help prevent cancer.