Does L-theanine have health benefits?

L-theanine is a natural compound that is present in green tea and black tea. In this article, we look at the potential health benefits and risks of L-theanine as well as its dosage.

Can the antioxidant resveratrol reduce artery stiffness in diabetics?

Resveratrol, a natural compound found in red wine, peanuts, berries and the skin of red grapes, may reduce artery stiffness in some people with Type 2 diabetes, according to an abstract presented at…

Resveratrol boosts spinal bone density in men with metabolic syndrome

Resveratrol, a natural compound found in red wine and grapes, increased spinal bone density in men with metabolic syndrome and could hold promise as a treatment for osteoporosis, according to a new…

Resveratrol mitigates effects of methamphetamine abuse

Studies have shown that resveratrol, a natural compound found in colored vegetables, fruits and especially grapes, may minimize the impact of Parkinson’s disease, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease in those who maintain healthy diets or who regularly take resveratrol supplements.

Metabolic Shifts Shown In First Clinical Trial Of Red Wine Ingredient

When obese men take a relatively small dose of resveratrol in purified form every day for a month, their metabolisms change for the better.