Turmeric may contain dangerous levels of lead

‘People are unknowingly consuming something that could cause major health issues,’ says the lead author of a new study, which finds lead in turmeric.

First clinical practice guidelines call for lifelong maintenance of restored teeth

UConn School of Dental Medicine’s Dr. Avinash Bidra is lead author of the first national clinical practice guidelines for caring for patients with crowns, bridges, veneers and implants.

UGA researcher leads comprehensive international study on folate

A University of Georgia researcher is lead author on an international paper on folate biomarkers as part of an initiative to provide evidence-based guidance for the global nutrition and public health…

Community Gardeners Less Likely To Be Overweight

People who are involved in community gardening tend to have a considerably lower body mass index than their non-gardening counterparts, a team from the University of Utah reported in the American Journal of Public Health. Previous studies had shown that community gardeners provide both nutritional and social benefits to neighborhoods, lead author Cathleen Zick explained…

The Lives Of Many Malnourished Children Saved By Antibiotics

Severely malnourished children are far more likely to recover and survive when given antibiotics along with a therapeutic peanut-based food than children who are simply treated with the therapeutic food alone, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found. “The findings are remarkable,” says Indi Trehan, MD, lead author of the research, published Jan…