Why caffeine may limit weight gain

After observing the effect in rats, scientists propose that consuming caffeine can limit weight gain and other adverse effects of a pro-obesity diet.

How do fruit and veg reduce colorectal cancer risk?

Researchers may have uncovered how flavonoids may protect against colorectal cancer.

How to stay healthy on Christmas Day

Christmas Day tends to be indulgent. In this feature, we will help you find ways to enjoy yourself without being left feeling too unhealthful.

What are the differences between cage-free, free-range, and pasture-raised eggs?

‘Cage-free,’ ‘pasture-raised,’ and ‘free-range’ are all terms that describe egg production methods. They each have differing levels of animal welfare standards. Learn more here.

Dementia: Obesity, but not diet or inactivity, raises risk

New research suggests that it may only be obesity, not a poor diet or lack of physical activity, that contributes to dementia risk.

2019 in medical research: What were the top findings?

Another year has come and gone, and we are about to step into a new decade. But what have the past 12 months meant for medical research?

Processed meat and cancer link depends on nitrite content

The strength of evidence linking processed meats to colorectal cancer depends on whether the products contain nitrites, according to a recent review.

Ultra-processed foods may raise the risk of type 2 diabetes

New research finds an association between ultra-processed foods and the risk of type 2 diabetes and lays out a few possible explanations for this link.

What is a heavy metal detox?

Certain foods and medications can help remove excess heavy metals from the body. This article looks at the effectiveness, benefits, and risks of a heavy metal detox.

Keto diet: 1-week meal plan and tips

Keto diets are high in fat and protein. Read on for a week-long keto meal plan, information on the best foods to eat, and some diet tips.

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