Ultra-processed foods may raise the risk of type 2 diabetes

New research finds an association between ultra-processed foods and the risk of type 2 diabetes and lays out a few possible explanations for this link.

Omega-3 supplements improved attention in some youths with ADHD

New research finds that omega-3 fish oil supplements can improve attention in youths with ADHD who have low — but not high — blood levels of omega-3.

Coffee drinkers have healthier gut microbiotas

New research finds that high caffeine consumers have more diverse compositions in their gut microbiotas with higher levels of anti-inflammatory bacteria.

Iron-rich foods may cancel out tomatoes’ anticancer benefits

New research finds that eating iron-rich foods or taking iron supplements together with tomatoes may counter the cancer fighting properties of the latter.

Sugary drinks, including 100% fruit juices, may raise cancer risk

New research finds a link between consuming sugary drinks, including fruit juices with no added sugar, and the risk of overall cancer and breast cancer.

Spinach supplement may increase muscle strength

New research finds that a dietary supplement comprising spinach extract can significantly increase athletic performance and muscle strength.

Weighing yourself every day could prevent weight gain

New research finds that self-weighing and seeing a graphical representation of their weight changes can prompt people to lose or maintain their weight.

Blueberries may lower cardiovascular risk by up to 20 percent

New research finds that eating 200 grams of blueberries every day can reduce blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health among healthy individuals.

Do low vitamin D levels increase breast cancer risk?

New research finds more evidence that low levels of vitamin D are linked to a heightened risk of breast cancer.

Low-carb diets ‘are unsafe and should be avoided’

New research finds a correlation between low-carb diets and risk of death from any cause, as well as death from heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

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