Omega-3 supplements improved attention in some youths with ADHD

New research finds that omega-3 fish oil supplements can improve attention in youths with ADHD who have low — but not high — blood levels of omega-3.

Is vitamin D deficiency to blame for lung disease?

New research from Johns Hopkins University has found that individuals with low blood levels of vitamin D may be more exposed to disabling lung disease.

Could omega-6 fatty acids help us live longer?

A study finds that higher blood levels of linoleic acid — the most common omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid — are linked to lower risk of premature death.

Omega-6 could lower type 2 diabetes risk by 35 percent

A new review of more than 20 studies has linked higher blood levels of linoleic acid – a main form of omega-6 – to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.

How avocados and nuts could boost intelligence

Higher blood levels of monounsaturated fatty acids – found in avocados, nuts, and olive oil – have been linked to greater intelligence in a new study.

Cancer risk falls with higher levels of vitamin D

A new study shows that blood levels of vitamin D are linked to the risk of developing cancer, where the lower the vitamin D level, the higher the cancer risk.

Higher blood levels of omega-3 may help depression in heart patients

Patients with higher blood levels at start of study responded better to omega-3 supplements.

Sleep deprivation increases hunger in similar way to marijuana

Researchers find lack of sleep increases blood levels of an endocannabinoid called 2-AG to increase appetite, similar to the way in which marijuana use boosts hunger levels.

Lower vitamin D levels found in children who drink non-cow’s milk

A new study reveals that children who drink non-cow’s milk – including rice, almond, soy and goat’s milk – have lower blood levels of vitamin D than children who drink cow’s milk.

Death and serious complications more likely in patients with vitamin D deficiency

Low vitamin D levels linked to increased risks after noncardiac surgeryPatients with low blood levels of vitamin D are at increased risk of death and serious complications after noncardiac…

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