Bottles and cans of alcoholic drinks should include calorie count signs

Breweries and alcoholic drinks manufacturers should introduce calorie count signs on all bottles and cans in a bid to beat the obesity crisis, councils say.

Obesity Theories Challenged By Hunter-Gatherer Study

A new study comparing the lifestyle of Westerners with that of hunter-gatherers challenges the idea that the current obesity crisis is due to lack of physical activity. The researchers suggest the more likely explanation is over-consumption of calories, particularly due to the presence of energy-dense foods in the Western diet…

SNA Joins American Dietetic Association And SNE In Affirming The Importance Of Schools In Improving Child Nutrition And Health

As Congress, First Lady Michelle Obama and communities across the country seek ways to address the deepening childhood obesity crisis, three leading organizations in the field of nutrition have united to emphasize the importance of schools in promoting healthy lifestyles for children…