Is coconut oil a laxative?

Coconut oil has many different uses. Nutritionally, it is considered healthful in moderate amounts, so may be worth a try to relieve constipation.

How Can Diet Affect Fibromyalgia Symptoms?

Learn about what foods may help a person with fibromyalgia and which ones they should avoid. What other lifestyle measures might help with symptoms?

Healthier eating provides benefit independent of other lifestyle changes in reducing risk for type 2 diabetes

Improving the overall quality of one’s diet helps to prevent type 2 diabetes, independent of other lifestyle changes, according to a study presented at the American Diabetes Association’s 74th…

The benefits on nutrition, cost and safety of canned foods

A new study published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine addresses the common call to action from public health experts to improve access to and consumption of fruits and vegetables.

Obesity Theories Challenged By Hunter-Gatherer Study

A new study comparing the lifestyle of Westerners with that of hunter-gatherers challenges the idea that the current obesity crisis is due to lack of physical activity. The researchers suggest the more likely explanation is over-consumption of calories, particularly due to the presence of energy-dense foods in the Western diet…

Changes In Specific Dietary Factors May Have Big Impact On Long-Term Weight Gain

In a series of three separate studies looking at how changes in multiple dietary and other lifestyle factors relate to long-term weight gain, Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers found that modest changes in specific foods and beverages, physical activity, TV-watching, and sleep duration were strongly linked with long-term weight gain…