Genetically edited fruit may be welcomed where genetically modified organisms are not

Recent advances that allow the precise editing of genomes now raise the possibility that fruit and other crops might be genetically improved without the need to introduce foreign genes, according to…

Children With Low Vitamin D Levels Can Decrease Risk Of Respiratory Infections By Vitamin D Supplementation

A study conducted in Mongolian schoolchildren supports the possibility that daily vitamin D supplementation can reduce the risk of respiratory infections in winter…

Foods That Elevate Moods

New evidence reveals the possibility of mood-enhancing effects associated with some flavors, stemming at least in part from natural ingredients bearing a striking chemical similarity to valproic acid, a widely used prescription mood-stabilizing drug, scientists reported. This effect joins those previously reported for chocolate, teas and some other known comfort foods…

IOM Report To Be Released April 20 On Traumatic Brain Injury Therapy And Nutrition

Nutrition research is pointing to ways that nutrients or diets may lessen the effects of traumatic brain injury (TBI), raising the possibility that the U.S. Department of Defense might be able to use nutritional approaches to help personnel who receive a TBI…

Questioning the safety of certain ‘healthful’ plant-based antioxidants

Scientists are calling for more research on the possibility that some supposedly healthful plant-based antioxidants — including those renowned for their apparent ability to prevent cancer — may actually aggravate or even cause cancer in some individuals.